Inducing Labor: What Happens When You're Induced?

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In some cases your practitioner may decide it’s best to induce labor and give nature a little nudge. Back to Top In This Article What does it mean to induce labor? Why might your doctor induce labor? How will your practitioner induce labor? When you might get a C-section instead Does labor induction have risks? Is it safe to try to induce labor yourself? What happens if labor induction doesn't work? show all show less

These days practitioners aim to carry all pregnancies to term, or until 39 weeks — which means labor should not be induced electively before then.

But situations do sometimes arise when nature needs a little nudge. Here’s why your doctor might induce labor and what to expect if it happens to you.

What does it mean to induce labor?

Your practitioner may determine it’s time to induce, or start, labor contractions using medications or other methods if a pregnancy is postterm (that is, you’ve reached 42 weeks) or your health or your baby’s is at risk.

Why might your doctor induce labor?

How will your practitioner induce labor?

If you do end up needing to be induced, the process involves a number of steps, though you usually won’t go through all of them:

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When you might get a C-section instead

Keep in mind that ACOG now recommends that practitioners try to minimize interventions during labor in low-risk pregnancies where Mom is progressing normally and baby is doing well with the goal of reducing inductions and C-sections.

ACOG suggests that certain procedures that may have happened sooner or more often in the past be delayed or avoided altogether if possible, unless they become necessary.

Does labor induction have risks?

However know that throughout the process your baby will be continuously monitored via electronic fetal monitoring, which will help your practitioner to assess how he or she is dealing with the stress of induced labor and take steps to protect both of you.

For low-risk pregnancies where labor is progressing normally and not being induced, ACOG suggests that intermittent, rather than continuous, fetal monitoring may be appropriate in some cases, but be sure to discuss this with your doctor or midwife.

Is it safe to try to induce labor yourself?

While there are plenty of natural methods you can use to try to bring on labor (and plenty of old wives' tales to go along with them), it's hard to prove that any of them will do the trick.

Some women swear by them, but none of the homegrown methods passed from mom to mom has been documented as consistently effective. That's probably at least partly due to the fact that when they do appear to work, it's difficult to establish whether they actually worked — or whether labor, coincidentally, started on its own at the same time.

Still, if you're at the end of your rope (and who isn't by 40 weeks and beyond?), you might want to try some natural ways to induce labor.

What happens if labor induction doesn't work?

Very occasionally, labor induction doesn’t work, especially if the cervix isn’t effaced and dilated. If this is the case for you, your practitioner may try to induce labor again or opt for a C-section.

If labor induction works, once your contractions are in full swing, your labor should progress just as a non-induced labor does and go through the usual phases of labor. Get ready: Baby's almost here!

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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